Felipe Prado
Best described as optimistic, approachable and caring Felipe joins our team with a life rich in art, culture and design. Felipe, earned a degree in Integral Design while attending university in Guadalajara, Mexico
Possessing an adventurous and independent spirit Felipe has also lived in Spain and Italy, soaking in the diverse cultures and designs of Europe. An inherent love and respect for nature, inspires Felipe’s sense of design. Therefore, it is not surprising that this quote by Leonardo Da Vinci is among his favourites - "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
Felipe loves vintage objects. He has owned a 1972 Airstream, a 1978 Boler, and a 1984 Toyota pick-up truck. His favourite foods are traditional dishes that are prepared in his hometown of Sahuayo, Mexico. Always keeping himself busy, Felipe is currently writing a book. Felipe’s greatest joy is being with his young family – playing, watching movies, and playing futbol (soccer). In addition to his family, Felipe is grateful for his health and the ability to live in our beautiful city of Victoria.
To get away from it all Felipe loves traveling where the sand is soft, the water is clear and the skies are blue.